Saturday, July 19, 2008

Politics...(You have been forewarned!)

Kenya must be the only country in the world where... one knows what Party the president belongs to! We now have two political parties claiming that they loaned to him to one super party with the same two parties claiming that the super party is not a party after all but an 'umbrella'!

...the three principal candidates in a general election form government...thats after spending the equivalent of $ 100 Million on an election, only for them to agree at a bargaining table...This is true Democracy! can recieve 20 goats in exchange for the illegal firearm you own!

...the police have invented a secure, digital way to recieve bribes. Just use MPESA (Mobile phone fund transfere!)

...Ministers dont resign, they 'step aside', and continue drawing that heafty salary! can purchase a hotel worth $90 Million dollars for quater thats what i call a bargain!

...more later!


Monday, January 07, 2008

Friday, July 13, 2007

This has been one of the most amazing week I have ever had! Oh, yah, am blogging from a cyber after a pal dissed me-so am actually waiting, perfect recipie for a hatter!

This is what i want to call the haters is a list of every thing i may hate on. Please feel free to comment!

1. Kenya's Music Industry (...or the lack thereof!) This includes my favourite hate subject, Afro-fusion!

2. Kenya's Film Industry (or the...argh, you know what i want to say!)

3. Our esteemed honorable M.P.s. Although i think for my own interest, i will put this one off!

4. PawPaws...i hate this fruit! Why do they call it a fruit anyway, fruits are pretty things like bananas...ok just bananas! Now look, those darn pawpaws have gone and destroyed my perfect haters list!

If you want me to hate on anything or add anything to the hatters list...Hit the comments link.


Thursday, October 12, 2006

...I have to holla at the mafans first!!


Ok, so what brought me to the blogger??

1. I annoyed a dear friend who thought my emails were becoming insensitive.......So, lemme post here first, then see what the comments are, then i will mail them, sindio?!!

2. I checked out KenyanChics postings......ahhh, me i think that chic has mad talent!!


Kenyans are fast coming up in the Media industry and we have seen alot of talent on TV with our new brand of celebs.....aiii, but those scriptwriters are not helping!!

Ati coz Mexican soaps have had a big hit in Kenya(That is a whole issue on its own to be tackled l8r!!), they feel that they should write weak scripts like those Mehikanos!! Of particular issue is Season2 of Better Days......I am not sure wether its a soapie ama its fast turning into a new genre that i would like to call Stupid action drama (Where a character does something stupid, then we draw action from him trying to correct it!!)

We saw action last week when this rich dude drove his new Porsche Cayenne (which was won in a national competition by Celtel less than 2months ago, and given to the owner by none other than Ja-rule, who after milking the American market dry, has moved to Africa!!) to Kibera slums to drop this chic he has a thing for. When he returns to where he had parked his very NEW Porsche, he finds the chics not-so-good-looking boyfriend (Before he became an actor, he was a not-so-good-looking mugger, am sure that was his selling point!!) waiting for him......heeeee Drama!! Si i was on the edge of my sit!! To cut a long story very short, The boyfriend dude didnt mug the car of our rich boy, he chose to hepesha the car keys instead????!!!!

AHHH, I was mad!! I thought we were in for a good old car chase, with the Police helicopter in shot......then i remembered that out of the two helicopters, one went down with our Vice-president in it and the other is parked at wilson waiting for Russian spares!! (Tha 1st copter didnt go down for no use......some camera man from Nation won the award for action shots at the cnn journalist of the year!!)

And to think i almost went for the auditions for that Soapie!! i would have been cast as the not-so-good-looking boyfriend!!


Then there was this not funny comedy called one two many that used to air on NTV. I think that proggie was a waste of do u do a kawaida soap, then put a laugh track on top?? Just a point to note.....if it was not funny when you were writing it, it wont be funny even with a laugh track!! But thats Kenyans for you, and ati they want prime time tv to have Kenyan content!!

Well, ave shared my peace on our soon!!
